Monday, November 30, 2015

Top Four Health Mistakes Teens Make

You probably don't always think about your health, or the effects certain factors can have on your body. You tend to roll through life, taking care of day-to-day issues, and enjoy as much of life as you can. But if you're not careful, you can end up facing consequences to your health that could have been avoided. To prevent this, avoid these top four health mistakes teens make.

1. Most teens stay up late studying or hanging out with friends and don't get enough sleep. By not having a regular sleep pattern, you could be doing your body damage. You may think you're sleeping enough, but your body may not be getting the amount of rest it really needs. Teens need eight to ten hours of sleep a night to function best.

2. When you munch on a lot of junk food while studying, hanging out with friends, watching TV, and at the movies, you're causing serious damage to your health. Eating too much junk food can cause serious weight issues, heart disease, diabetes, and other major medical issues. To avoid them, eat some healthy munchies throughout the day, instead of just chips and sweets. Try carrot sticks, crackers, pretzels, cheese, and nuts. You can still munch, but munch healthier foods.

3. A lot of teens tend to skip breakfast, especially if they're running late in the mornings. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" is not just a slogan. It prepares your body to face the day ahead, allows you to think clearly, and keeps you awake. If you don't have time or the appetite for a big breakfast, try a small bowl of cereal, breakfast drink, granola bar, or muffin. You can take most of these with you and eat them on the way to school.

4. You may be enrolled in a gym class, but that doesn't mean you're getting enough exercise. If you tend to sit around playing games during your time off, you're not doing your body any favors. Get up and go for a walk or bike ride. Go out for one of your school's sports teams. If you are a big gamer, try games that get you moving around, not just sitting on the couch with a remote in your hand.

These top four health mistakes teens make could and should be avoided. To make sure you're taking proper care of yourself, take a look at how you live, and make the necessary changes. You'll feel better, and be glad you did.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

How Can Olive Oil Benefit a Human Body?

Olives are commercially grown to extract oil out of it. The fruit is used for consumption as well but mostly found in the form of oil. This oil is used as an ingredient in several medicines and cosmetics. It is effective in the body after consumption as well as after application on the outer body. The various benefits of it may be listed as follows -

• Curbs cardiovascular problems - The daily consumption of olive oil with food leads to the reduction of common problems people face like hypertension, high cholesterol levels, etc. The goodness of the oil starts to show an effect from the first day of consumption. Research indicates that people who consume the oil in their food has lesser cardiovascular issues to face and seldom visit the doctor.

• Reduction of strokes for the elderly - After certain age, people tend to have a lower metabolism and strength to endure stress. They tend to experience frequent strokes that may turn fatal after a certain time. The inclusion of olive oil in salads, dressing, cold meals, etc. has proven to keep the body fit and fine with lesser stroke rates.

• Less Depression - The consumption of processed food containing trans-fats are known to affect the brain and its functions. It leads to lesser hormone production leading to depression. As the oil contains polyunsaturated fats, it has a good impact on the body and helps to keep the brain healthy.

• Reduced chances of cancer - This oil has been proven to destroy cancer-causing elements in one's body by stimulating the eradication of tumor cells, prevents the damage of DNA, etc. daily consumption of extra virgin olive oil helps reduce the chances of cancer and keeps the body healthy.

• Healthy option for women - The oil lets the woman's body be strong. It fights osteoporosis, breast cancer, skin cancer, ovarian cancer, etc. and thus making a woman's body strong to endure the possibilities of fatal health problems.

• Cosmetic uses - As the oil is rich in Vitamin, minerals and antioxidants, it is known to have healing properties to the skin which enhance the elasticity, reduces wrinkles, removal of fine lines, and prevents the skin from ageing. It lets the skin stays supple without letting it loses its moisture. The oil is also used for body massage for adults as well as babies. While using it for babies, it aids in strengthening the bones and helps to develop their muscles.

The author Cathy Smith had conducted personal research on the production of the fruit and its benefits. She intends to let people know about olive pruning as well as about olive oil processing machines and other facets of its processing.

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